Our team is dedicated to being involved in our local community to initiate, promote, and support programs to help children Move, Play, and Speak.
Ongoing Community Events
- Community Developmental Screenings
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ developmental screening policy states that “Early Detection of Developmental Delays is critical to the overall well-being of the child and their families.” Each month, our clinicians provide free developmental screenings to children in our office and in the community. We also provide on-site training to organizations wanting to educate staff on best practices to identify developmental delays. This training is ideal for day care centers and early childhood learning centers. Contact tsherman@coastalhealthcare.us for more information.
- Free Books for D.C. Kids
Library is launching Books from Birth, a program that mails all enrolled kids in D.C. a free book each month from birth until they turn five. Parents must have a DC residence.To learn more please visit dclibrary.org/booksfrombirth.
Past Events
Move Play Speak Community Day 2016
Autism Speaks Fundraiser at Yoga Heights, DC
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